When data is
not enough,
'Monitoring the indoor air quality of our organization is of vital importance to ensure optimal environmental quality, and data is the fundamental basis for informed decisions making...'
Yeah, we know that. But we also know that you need to properly justify this investment payback in your organization, and health and wellbeing sales pitches, as well as well intentioned, are not quantifiable in the short or medium term.
Fed up with health and
wellbeing IAQ sales pitches?
VISSIONAIR, when IAQ data is just not enought.
The indoor air quality improvement produced with IBPA allows us to technically justify the significant reduction of the current indoor air flow rates in the building and based in regulation standards, which are minimum, constant and compulsory while in service. In this way, by reducing the ventilation airflow, while maintaining the environmental hygiene required by the standards, we reduce the ventilation thermal load and the total thermal load of the building, reducing the power needs for cold and heat production, as well as the annual HVAC consumption.
IBPA is recognised by LEED, WELL, BREEAM and DGNB certifications, being a must to guarantee its maximum recognition, including distinguished points, both in new and existing constructions, in the areas of Energy Efficiency, Indoor Air Quality, Emissions to the environment and in the use of New Technologies. The consumption reductions IBPA produces make it especially recommendable for achieving the NetZero objectives within the Europe 20/30 plan; sustainable constructions, energetically neutral in their carbon footprint.
Edificio de oficinas BREEAM, sede IT Now, (Barcelona)
IBPA, improving sustainability (CSR).
Increases the energy efficiency of the building, reducing the regulatory ventilation contribution, maintaining mandatory indoor air quality and reducing primary energy consumption by:​
HVAC consumption
1st Building Energy Cost
Reduces the building's carbon footprint at its largest source of consumption, helping to achieve a net zero balance.
Reduces the material execution of works budget, in new constructions and integral rehabilitations, optimising the HVAC installation (LEAN criteria).
Increases the value of the property, improving LEED, WELL, BREEAM and/or DGNB international certifications.
How it works?
By generating low-intensity non-dielectric electrostatic fields, distributed throughout the building's ventilation and air-conditioning system, they work in combination with traditional filtration to increase its performance. The IBPA relies exclusively on one physical principle of action, electrical energy. This makes the technology compliant with European and American ventilation regulations, as well as health regulations, and it is completely safe for human exposure.
The IBPA produces charged ions with an adjustable and determined polarity, which react with the particles of opposite polarity present in the building indoor air flows, agglomerating or clustering them into groups or sets of particles, with a greater resulting mass and diameter. This makes existing conventional filters in building HVAC systems to deal with larger particles, thus improving their trapping capacity and making them equal to filters of 5 or even 7 categories higher.​
IBPA has a proven ability to reduce the following airborne pathogens:
Suspended particulate matter.
Volatile organic compounds (VOC).
Moulds and spores.
Viruses and bacteria.
Harmful odour particles.
The ionic charge produced does not generate concentration of atmospheres as the ions, in contact with other particles, are discharged back to their previous condition. Properly calculated, its potential is sufficient to produce the agglomeration of organic and inorganic particles and VOC´s oxidation. As for the inactivation of certain viruses, bacteria and moulds, it does this effectively and indirectly by trapping and drying them in the traditional HVAC filters. This is the basis for the recognition of the IBPA as a collective protection measure (ORP), generating a real barrier to the transmission of pathogens and contaminants by aerosols.
Edificio Hotel Radisson Blu Prado (Madrid)
Sectors of aplication.
HVAC consumption represents, on average, 55% of total building consumption, and can easily reach 70%, depending on the activity and the composition of the energy balance. The IBPA is able to significantly reduce this consumption, reducing the minimum mandatory outdoor ventilation airflow and thermal load by improving indoor air quality.
The IBPA is particularly suitable for the following sectors of activity given their exposure to the annual and operating cost of the HVAC system:
Commercial / Retail
Educational (Schools / Universities)
Edificio MNAC, Museo Nacional de Arte de Catalunya (Barcelona)
Regualtions and Standards to be applied.
IBPA is recommended by the Spanish Ministries of Health, Labour, Ecological Transition and for the Demographic Challenge, by the INSST and IDAE and recognised in the european system of subsidies or compensation for Energy Saving Certificates CAE (36/2023), applied in the building HVAC systems. This has been officially published, due to its notable capacity to reduce environmental pollutants.
​In the absence of a specific regulation, the Spanish, European and American Administration points out and warns that, in order to carry out a project based on electrostatic filtration, which could produce other environmental by-products derived from its main action depending on the chosen technology, the following essential requirements must be met in order to be applied in the ventilation standards:
1. To be in possession of the following certifications with European validity, of the emitting equipment.
CE marking.
Zero ozone emissions.
Do not produce polluting by-products, derived from its own action.
2. The installation must be carried out by a competent technician or company.
3. Comply with European Directive 528/2012 on the use and placing on the biocidal products commercialisation.
4. Comply with European Directive 59/2013/EURATOM on the humans to ionising radiation exposure.
Pradditive, complies with all the requirements officially demanded by the european Administration, has the European certifications issued in its name and has accredited experience in the calculation and execution of this type of projects. We encourage our distinguished clients to request all the technical information and regulatory standards, as well as sufficient experiential guarantees from the companies, before starting a project based on electrostatic filtration.​
Edificio oficinas BREEAM + WELL, Greenvia Building (Barcelona)
Business Cases.
Below, we summarise the results obtained by IBPA in different building typologies. Do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in consulting the complete technical development of the project, the calculation justification in the current european or american ventilation regulations or the result certifications by third party accredited IAQ laboratories.
If any are unavailable for any reason, please just let us know and we will send it to you.
Edificio LEED + WELL de oficinas, GREEN BUSINESS DISTRICT PARK (Barcelona)
​Pradditive´s IBPA commercial brouchure.
Pradditive´s Responsible Declaration, of compliance with the regulatory and mandatory framework, on people safety. ​​